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All of our frames are 100% Hand Made in the USA using the highest quality materials and craftsmanship. Our frames are made of Heat Treated 6061 T6 Aluminum. They feature 3 Position adjustable rear dropouts, that allow you to tune the frame head angle and bottom bracket height to match your riding style. This gives you the choice of how your bike handles. Can you say? THREE FRAMES FOR THE PRICE OF ONE!!!!!!!!

In 1976 Pat Lierley started racing BMX in San Diego, California. Only to stop in 1979 because he was too big to ride an 18” top tube bike. The trophies and stories inspired Pat’s younger brother Lonny Lierley who began racing in 1981. After a few years of watching Lonny ride, Pat developed the desire to ride once again. He was unable to be comfortable on the small bikes that were being made, so Pat decided to design his own BMX frame. His background in manufacturing Alcohol Dragster chassis was used to develop his idea and bring it to life. In December of 1983 “Pro Engineering” was born. A 21.75” top tube frame with a 37” wheelbase was designed to fit his 6’ tall 250 pound build. This frame featured a very strange concept that most people were very confused by, a bolt on rear dropout. This dropout could be changed with additional dropouts to alter the angles of the frame itself. By changing the ¼” thick aluminum dropout you could raise and lower the bottom bracket as well as alter the steering head tube angle. Lonny raced Pat’s “Pro Engineering” frames from 1984 to 1989 when he stopped racing as well. Lonny won a handful of ABA and NBL Nationals along the way. In 1987 a photo of Lonny made BMX Action at an ABA National in Stockton, California. The question was raised; “What kind of frame is that”? Very few “Pro Engineering” frames were ever built.
The concept of the “Bolt on dropout” lay dormant until 2005 when Scott Mitchell (Former R & D guy for SE Racing) redesigned the concept. The use of better technology and a strong mind, Scott perfected the design that once existed only in San Diego. One dropout was now required instead of multiple dropouts. The ability to adjust the dropouts could now be done in 10 minutes.
Scott ran Gunslinger after his initial design until 2008 when he and Lonny Lierley were re-acquainted. In 2008 Lonny was sponsored by a Factory team, which rode Gunslingers. As fate would have it, Lonny was now riding both a cruiser and a 20” Gunslinger, the design concept that his brother Pat had originated. With a past history of being fierce competitors Scott and Lonny quickly began talking about their encounters on the track as well as Scott’s version of the “adjustable dropout”. Lonny found himself quickly in discussion about becoming a partner with Scott. Three months later an investment was made and a partnership was born. Shortly after this partnership was born, Pat Lierley fell ill to Leukemia. It took his life on November 22, 2008.
Unfortunately in 2009, Scott’s son, Colton, began losing interest in the sport of BMX. With Colton being Scott’s main drive to push on with Gunslinger, his interest began to fade. With the passing of Pat, Lonny wanted nothing more than to keep Gunslinger alive. It was agreed upon that Lonny would assume full ownership of Gunslinger in 2010.